
AUSVEG SA runs a number of industry development programs aimed at building capacity and R&D knowledge in our sector. We regularly run programs for our members with funding from a variety of sources to ensure that our growers have access to the knowledge and support to grow their businesses.

AUSVEG SA encourages our members to get involved with our program of events and to contact us with any suggestions for R&D or industry development projects they would like to see us implement.



VegNET SA is a South Australian R&D extension and business capacity building program funded by Hort Innovation from the National Vegetable Levy.

Yanyu Laing manages the program which also includes a Vietnamese Extension Officer as part of the VegNET SA team. The role of the program is to provide growers with R&D support to address on farm issues and deliver a series of workshops and learning events for growers.

Workshops run this year have included free chemical management courses, irrigation management workshops, innovation management courses with Australian leading exports and export development courses.


Clean Your Farm Initiative

In an effort to ensure good on-farm biosecurity practices in the Northern Adelaide Plains, AUSVEG SA has partnered with The Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) and Biosecurity SA to initiate the “Clean Your Farm” project.

The Clean Your Farm initiative aims to raise awareness of key sources of risk for vegetable diseases and pests and help growers better protect their produce and ultimately their income.

Click here to access the English and Vietnamese language fact sheets with further information on the initiative.

Greenhouse Toolkit Now Available!

Biosecurity SA and AUSVEG SA have developed a Greenhouse Toolkit Resource for vegetable growers to better identify biosecurity threats, implement biosecurity planning and management practices and better protect their business against external threats.

The resource includes step by step checklists and guidance on practical measures growers can take to protect their properties against pest and disease threats.

English version

Click Here to Download the Toolkit

Vietnamese version

Click Here to Download the Toolkit

If you would like to know more information about the project please contact AUSVEG SA or PIRSA Biosecurity SA 8207 7820.

IPM Trial Program

AUSVEG SA has successfully delivered its Australia-leading IPM Trial program in partnership with IPM Technologies, which has seen the majority of farm advisors in the state trained in Integrated Pest Management production practices.

The program, funded by Hort Innovation Australia, provides ongoing support for growers looking to trial IPM on their properties and better manage resistance issues.

The project has seen significant success, resulting in over 70% of field brassica growers transitioning to IPM production practices as well as a significant number of greenhouse producers.

Targetted R&D and business support

In addition to our programs, AUSVEG SA also offers targetted support to our members where possible in linking with researchers and service providers to solve business issues.

This has included:

  • Bringing national soil scientists to work with growers after the 2016 Northern Adelaide Plains floods.

  • Working with growers on value-adding and marketing projects.

  • Working with researchers to address regional salinity and water table issues.

  • Working with growers to submit R&D tax incentive claims.

AUSVEG SA encourages growers to come to us with any specific issues they face, so we can see whether we can assist.


Export Facilitators Project

This project, funded by Hort Innovation, provides ongoing assistance for existing and new exporters to grow their business.

The program is run by Manus Stockdale and aims to provide the skills and expertise for growers to improve their export performance.

The program has already achieved strong results for growers throughout the state, and growers interested in the program can contact her for further information.

LEAN Efficiency Project

AUSVEG SA has recently run a project where we have engaged automation professionals to work with growers to improve their packhouse efficiencies.

The project, funded by PIRSA, provided automation audits for 10 growers throughout the state. These audits identified significant savings for participating growers and allowed for better planning around the expansion of packhouse and other work functions.

AUSVEG SA is looking at ways to continue delivering automation advisory services to SA growers in the coming years.