A strong voice for South Australian growers
AUSVEG SA works to improve the lives of the hardworking growers of this state.
AUSVEG SA was established in 2014 to be a strong and unified association for South Australian Growers. At the time a number of groups had wound up and horticulture in particular was fragmented and AUSVEG national lacked a state member at the time.
Since establishment AUSVEG SA has grown to be a strong and respected voice within South Australia advocating with governments of all levels to improve the livelihoods of local growers and grow the industry.
Key achievements include:
Supporting SA growers to navigate a challenging environment with COVID-19 and working with the SA government to ensure our industry remained open and trading as an essential industry.
Successfully lobbying for the implementation of a $5 million SA government package to support our SA growers access labour due to the loss of key international workers.
Successfully supporting key members to access more than $3 million in support for on-farm infrastructure as part of the SA government Regional Growth Fund.
Successfully advocating for $9 million in proposed flood mitigation works along the Gawler River to protect industry from periodic flooding causing over $50 million damage each event.
Advocating for local growers to achieve equitable access to the $150 million Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme and continued work to ensure an economically-viable pricing structure for industry.
Successfully fighting a proposed increase to the NRM levy which would have cost growers an additional $2,000 per annum to commercial water costs.
Successfully fighting a proposed Playford Council rate increase in 2017 which would have cost a large number of growers in the state from $30,000 to $100,000 in additional rates and hampered jobs growth.
Standing up for industry interests with governments, supply chain and the unions on key issues such as labor, competition policy and planning reform.
What makes us different
Rather than charging a commodity or industry levy, AUSVEG SA funds operations through member contributions, corporate partnerships and services agreements for project delivery. This means that the association is highly accountable for ensuring a strong grassroots membership of growers who are engaged and supportive and needs to work to bring innovative new projects and programs online for the benefit of industry. As a result, we have grown our staffing and projects to be comparable with any other group in agriculture in the state and are focussed on growing the association further in the future.
AUSVEG SA is also heavily linked with interstate grower groups and the National Farmers Federation Horticulture Council through our strong relationship with AUSVEG national. AUSVEG SA is the nominated state member body of AUSVEG in South Australia and maintains strong linkages with researchers and industry professionals which we regularly utilise for the benefit of local growers.
AUSVEG SA stands shoulder to shoulder with industry and we take seriously our commitment to advocate for the growers of our great state.
If growers have any issues they can raise these with Jordan Brooke-Barnett, Chief Executive Officer AUSVEG SA, anytime on 0404 772 308.