Join AUSVEG SA today
AUSVEG SA membership is open to all growers throughout South Australia and we welcome engagement as we work to grow the vegetable and broader horticulture sector in our state.
Membership brochure
Our membership brochure outlines a number of packages depending on the size of business and we offer a number of benefits to our members including advocacy support for members, access to business development courses and support with regional R&D issues and concerns.
Download our membership brochure today!
Under this innovative model, AUSVEG SA continues to grow our programs and capabilities and wants even more growers to join us as we work to increase the support we can provide to industry.
How to join
Click here for a copy of the AUSVEG SA membership form which can be signed and sent to A copy of the company constitution is available by contacting the AUSVEG SA Chief Executive Officer on 0404 772 308 or
Why join?
Having an effective and well resourced advocacy organisation is important when things go wrong in business. Constant regulatory changes and pressures from competing interests like unions mean that industry needs an effective seat at the table with government. AUSVEG SA has the staffing, expertise and national links with like-minded organisations to deliver on behalf of local industry. Employees often are part of a union, so it is important that businesses like horticultural enterprises need somewhere to go when need arises. At AUSVEG SA we are passionate about working for industry and want to advocate for growers in times of need.
Membership benefits
Access to industry leading advocacy capabilities on industry issues such as relationships with the supermarkets, fighting unfair taxes and fees levied on industry and IR advocacy support.
Ability to attend production and business development events run throughout the year
Complementary tickets to the AUSVEG SA Dinner and End of Year Drinks
Business level assistance with product development or production issues with support from the AUSVEG SA team
Access to R&D events throughout the year and access to an Australia-wide network of researchers through the VegNET SA program
Business level advocacy on local issues with councils and other authorities
AUSVEG SA welcomes any growers who would like to join us to present a strong and united voice to government and help us work to improve the lives of hardworking growers in our state.